Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is established under By-Law III of the Society’s Charter and Statutes. It is responsible for proposing slates of candidates for vacancies on Council and vacancies on its own membership.Ìý It operates under a Memorandum of Understanding with Council (below).

The Committee in its work will seek to ensure that the slates of candidates put to the membership are balanced and reflect a broad range of mathematical specialisms, draw on all regions of the UK, and which haveÌýan appropriate age, gender and diversityÌýbalance. The Committee itself does not manage the election process but it exists to propose a range of candidates to the membership.

There are 8 members of Nominating Committee, six of whom are elected.Ìý One member is nominated by Council as its representative on the Committee, who is generally a sitting Member-at-Large on Council.Ìý The Chair is also appointed by Council.

Nominating Committee is very keen to receive input from members of the Society and it actively welcomes suggestions from the membership for nominations now or in future years.Ìý Each year Nominating Committee considers a list of suggestions put forward by members and for those who are not put forward these suggestions are generally carried forward year-on-year.

All members are therefore invited to suggest аĿª½±members who can make valuable contributions to the work of Council or of the Nominating Committee.Ìý Suggestions can be sent to Professor Tara Brendle, the Chair of the Nominating Committee, at There is no need to get the consent of the suggested person at this stage, as the Nominating Committee will approach those it wishes to put forward to seek agreement.Ìý Members who do make suggestions forÌýelection are asked to provide:

  • The name of their suggested nominee.
  • Their mathematical specialism(s)
  • Their institution(s)
  • A brief statement saying what that person could bring to Council/Nominating Committee.

When putting names forward for consideration, Members are asked to consider the need for Council to represent the whole UK mathematics community and to be balanced by mathematical specialism, region and gender.Ìý Members should also note that to be eligible for Council or Nominating Committee mathematicians must be members of the аĿª½±in good standing, and resident in the UK.

Members submitting suggested names are also asked to bear in mind that membership of Council can be time-consuming and any prospective nominee for Council would need to be able to commit a significant amount of time.Ìý Every year several excellent people decline a nomination, often due to an inability to fully commit to time on Council.

Direct nominations

In addition to the above, members may make direct nominations for election to Council or Nominating Committee.Ìý Direct nominations must be sent to the Executive Secretary’s office ( before noon on 1 September. For details on making a direct nomination, see

The slate as proposed by Nominating Committee, together with any direct nominations received up to that time, will be posted on the аĿª½±website in early August.

Nominating Committee Membership

Tara Brendle (Chair from 2022), Karin Baur, Nira Chamberlain, Laura Ciobanu, Victoria Gould, Philip K Maini, and Helen Wilson. For its work in 2024, Council will shortly appoint a representative to the committee.
