Membership Benefits


  • Membership of a vibrant, national and internationalÌýmathematics community.

  • Networking opportunities.

  • Opportunities to influence national policy.

  • Full voting rights in Society elections – your chance to shape the future of the LMS.

  • A complimentary quarterlyÌýNewsletterÌý– available in print andÌýonline; to keep up-to-date with the latest mathematicalÌýdevelopments, including policy issues, details of forthcomingÌýevents, book reviews and more.

  • regular members-only LMSÌýe-Updates.

  • Opportunities to attend events hosted by the Society.

  • Free online subscriptions to theÌý,ÌýÌýandÌý.

  • Free online subscriptions to MathematikaÌý(which is published by the аĿª½±on behalf of its owner, UCL).

  • Free online subscription toÌýÌýÌý(published jointly with the Institute of Physics).

  • Members' discount on other selected аĿª½±publications; Ìý25% discount on theÌý,Ìý25% discount on theÌý.

  • Discounted membership of theÌý, when joining via the LMS, and an option to subscribeÌýto theÌý

  • Discounted membership of any of our 23ÌýReciprocal Society Partners.*

  • Use of Members’ Room at De Morgan House,ÌýRussell Square, London.

  • Use of University College London library where theÌýSociety’s LibraryÌýis housed.Ìý

  • The opportunity to sign the аĿª½±Members’ Book, which datesÌýback to 1865 when the Society was founded and containsÌýsignatures of members throughout the years, includingÌýAugustus De Morgan, Henri Poincaré, G.H. Hardy, and Mary Cartwright.

*You must not already be a Reciprocity member of the аĿª½±and you must reside outside the country of the Reciprocal Society you wish to join.
ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýNew cover design for PLMSÌý Ìý