Other Sources of Funding

An alphabetical list (by organisation) of other sources of funding given below refers to funding opportunities offered by external organisations, which may be useful for those seeking funds to support conferences, research etc. in mathematics. Please note that the organisations listed are based on initial research by the Society and any inclusion or exclusion of an organisation on the list does not reflect any views by the Society about that organisation. We endeavour to review and update the list on a regular basis and would be happy to hear about any further grant schemes, which could benefit mathematicians. If you know of any grant schemes that could be included, please email webmaster@lms.ac.uk

The Clay Mathematics Institute is a tax-exempt Private Operating Foundation dedicated to increasing and disseminating mathematical knowledge. Prospective event organisers looking to extend the international reach of their event may wish to consider applying to the CMI’s Enhancement and Partnership Program. Further information about this program can be found . Prospective organisers are advised to discuss applications to this program as early as possible by contacting the CMI President, Martin Bridson () 

The Edinburgh Mathematical Society was founded in 1883 and has since become firmly established as the principal society for the mathematical sciences community in Scotland. It currently offers the following five funding programmes:

The EPSRC is the main funding body for engineering and physical sciences research in the UK. Funding for the mathematical sciences currently includes:

The GMJT is a charity, committed to strengthening mathematics throughout Scotland. The Trust funds mathematical activites in Scotland such as events and lecture tours, through its . Activities should have a demonstrable benefit to mathematics in Scotland. 

The Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research (HIMR) offers a number of funding activities available to UK mathematicians. These are supported by HIMR and/or via the UKRI/EPSRC Additional Funding Programme for Mathematical Sciences. Funding for Mathematicians currently includes:

The IMA is the professional and learned society for qualified and practising mathematicians. It supports the advancement of mathematical knowledge and its applications and to promote and enhance mathematical culture in the United Kingdom and elsewhere, for the public good. It runs several to facilitate activity in areas of mathematics. 

The ICMS stimulates and promotes the mathematical sciences through diverse international workshops & conferences. It is funded by EPSRC to support research in all areas of the mathematical sciences and its connections to other disciplines and industry. Visit their for details of available to support activities such as workshops, small meetings and public engagement activities. 

The is an international hub for supporting mathematical sciences research of the very highest quality and impact. It has been in existence since 1992, and since that time has attracted the world’s leading researchers, in all areas of the mathematical sciences and cognate disciplines, who interact through a variety of long and short thematic programmes as well as associated workshops, follow-on meetings and a plethora of one-off events. In all, some 2,500 visitors pass through its iconic building, part of the Centre for Mathematical Sciences at Cambridge each year. The is the impact initiative of the Isaac Newton Institute; it is the principal body in the UK facilitating engagement between mathematical scientists and researchers or users of mathematics in academe, industry, commerce, government, NGOs etc. INI has a vital national role, building on many strengths that already exist in UK universities, aiming to generate a new vitality through stimulating and nurturing research throughout the country. Information on the current types of activities that take place at the Institute, and how to submit proposals can be found . INI is fortunate to have recently received a substantial uplift in its UKRI funding, and hence will be expanding its activities in Cambridge and across the whole of the UK. Contact the Institute to let them know what you would like them to do. 

The Isaac Newton Institute also supports networks of mathematical researchers throughout the UK through its new funding stream "INI Network Support for the Mathematical Sciences". INI awards range from £5,000 - £25,000 and applications are open to all with three deadlines in 2022-23 (30 September 2022, 30 November 2022 and 31 January 2023). More information is available .

The Martingale Foundation's mission is to find, fund and support a new generation of STEM postgraduates.  It supports students to undertake postgraduate study at some of the UK’s leading research universities through providing scholarships that include all tuition fees and a tax-free stipend to cover living costs. The Martingale Foundation is proudly supported by XTX Markets, whose generosity has helped make these scholarships possible.

The ORS is a professional membership body for operation researchers, data scientists and analysts that is dedicated to professional membership body for operation researchers, data scientists and analysts. Its include scholarships to support attendance at conferences in operational research and its website also gives details of from other organisations, and details of of funding. 

The Royal Society's fundamental purpose, reflected in its founding Charters of the 1660s, is to recognise, promote, and support excellence in science and to encourage the development and use of science for the benefit of humanity. The Royal Society funds researchers at the postdoctoral level and above in the UK and overseas and research must be within the Society’s remit of , which includes the following mathematical subject areas:

  • Pure and Applied Mathematics
  • Mechanics (Theoretical and Applied)
  • Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
  • Pure Mathematics
  • Statistics and Operational Research

The list of grants and their schedules can be found .

The Alan Turing Institute sits at the interface between the mathematical sciences, computer science, and industry. Much of its activity is mathematical. Available opportunities for research calls and seed funding will be listed on this page:      

UKRI is a non-departmental public body sponsored by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). It brings together the seven disciplinary research councils, Research England, which is responsible for supporting research and knowledge exchange at higher education institutions in England, and the UK’s innovation agency, Innovate UK.  is the UK Research and Innovation's website for funding calls with an easy to navigate search page that allows the prospective applicant to filter their search by funding council and funding type.